Our team

Soeren Hars

Born 1982 in Hamburg, Germany

Founder and owner of Cafe Pacay since 2014. Tech fan & nature lover. Inventor and developer of new processing and growing procedures of our coffee. Studied Social Sciences (Social Pedagogics Master) at the University of Applied Sciences in Kiel, Germany and later MBA in different post-graduate online courses at the London School of Economics and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a licensed Project Manager (IPMA) with years of experience in the food and beverage industry. Besides his work at Cafe Pacay he works in Coaching & Consulting in Change Management & Process Design in various industries across the world. Speaks English, German an Spanish. Has experience in Marketing, Graphic & Web design. Soeren loves philosophy, swimming & body-boarding and holds the international life guard gold license.

Constanza Taricco

Born 1990 in Cordoba, Argentina

Nature lover & coffee nerd. Born in Argentina she spent her childhood in the countryside with plants and nature. Experience in gastronomy and barristing she prepares delicius coffee in the cup. Farm manager and responsible for the fruit plantation. Good soul of Cafe Pacay with an eye for the important details.

Don Mario

Born 1982 in Hamburg, Germany

Helps us sometimes out. Kind man with a great heart. Farmer & coffee nurse. Knows every plant in our area and grows the biggest fruits. Became an expert of processing in the last years.


Born 1979 in Samaipata, Bolivia

Loves to give us a helping hand. Good heart, good listener and honest person. Driver and supply chain manager. Knows where to get every screw needed in the area. Great problem solver and highly reliable.